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Risk Management Policy

● Purpose
   The purpose of this Policy to better manage and form a basis for Yang Ming’s risk management operation. This Policy is formulated with a view to regulate
   Risk Identification, Risk Evaluation, Risk Decision-Making/Effect-Monitoring and operational improvement procedures in order to ensure the company’s
   business objectives can be reached.

   The Risk Control and Insurance Department annually assesses risk factors to identify risks that may affect the sustainable development of the company,
   filter out risk management scope, and monitor potential risks and implement preventive measures to strengthen risk management in accordance with the
   latest internal audit development requirements and standard requirements.

● Definition
   “Risk” includes man-made disasters, natural disasters, climate change, economical and political events causing adverse impact to the enterprise. The
   Risks will be evaluated based on Risk Frequency and Risk Severity.

(This policy and process was approved by 357th BOD on 2021/05/12)