Corporate Governance

Yang Ming is consistently dedicated to the improvement of corporate governance and financial transparency. We have been elected one of Taiwan's best-managed companies by EURO MONEY. Since 2004, we have been chosen every year by the Securities and Futures Institute as a company with the most transparent information. We have also been elected an exemplary enterprise in Taiwan by Common Wealth Magazine. To maintain our high standard and good reputation, we have prescribed the Code of Conduct of Yang Ming and the Code of Ethical Management. These are posted on our website for our stakeholders' knowledge and reference.

Chairmans Commitment

Although Yang Ming has won admiration from clients worldwide, we continually demand ourselves to make more innovations for further breakthroughs in our global liner services. We are confident that each of us is proud of what we have achieved in recent years, both individually and collectively.

At a time of ever increasing expansion and globalization of our Group, we deeply recognize that the key to continuous growth lies in the delivery of excellent and reliable service and the cultivation of choice corporate culture. In other words, we should not make our core values just as empty words but practice them in earnest in our everyday work: the spirit of respecting harmony, an emphasis on teamwork, the pursuit of innovation, integrity and pragmatism. These values provide Yang Ming with the mechanism of growth and the momentum for continually transcending the business cycle.

In light of today's fiercely competitive environment, all members of Yang Ming Group need work as a team to seek and attain sustainable, effective development and long-term growth. Sharing integrated viewpoints and uniting together to develop a stronger image of excellence and trustworthiness is a crucial step in gaining the confidence of our customers, interested parties and the general public. As such, providing the Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethical Management for Yang Ming Group Members is a worthy priority in maintaining our honorable standard of conduct.

These codes can enhance our corporate reputation in the public’s eye, and more importantly can also forge us together in our efforts to uphold the quality of our daily operations. They can also provide each Yang Ming Group member with the same general principles in passing their judgment and pursuing their tasks.

All members are expected to understand these Codes, recognize how individual conduct will influence Yang Ming as a whole, and contribute to the Group's sustainability.

Ethical Management

Yang Ming shall abide by the operational philosophies of honesty, transparency and responsibility in formulating its policies based on the principle of good faith and in establishing good corporate governance and risk control mechanism so as to create an environment for sustainable operation and development.
The Code of Ethical Management of Yang Ming was established in 2013, and the company shall disclose the state of enforcement of its code of ethical management on its websites, in annual reports and prospectuses.

Code of Ethical Management

Guidelines on Unethical Conduct Prevention

The Code of Conduct For Y.M.



評估項目 運作情形
公司是否依照相關法規及國際人權公約,制定相關之管理政策與程序? V 1. 本公司一向恪遵政府相關勞動法規,各項勞動條件亦力求符合國際公認基本勞動人權原則,且致力於建立公平無差別待遇之雇用政策,員工相關之權益事項,均確保依公告制度及程序辦理。本公司並於107 年11 月12 日經第19 屆第3 次董事會通過「人權政策」,中英文版公布於公司網站。
2. 本公司已於2020/8/11-2020/8/31針對「人權政策」向全體岸勤員工進行線上宣導,共計1,362人次通過測驗,完成度94%。

Employment Commitment


We have always believed "the best staff" is what makes the best of Yang Ming's potential. In return, we will make efforts to provide the best working conditions, the best training, and the best opportunities for our staff.
  • The terms and working conditions of any employment agreement shall be in accordance with applicable national and local laws.
  • We will ensure that all members have equal opportunities for self-development. We are also committed to not engage in discrimination based on race, language, thought, religion, political party, place of birth, gender, age, marital status, appearance, nor disability.
  • We are committed to create an atmosphere free of harassment, any form of harassment is not allowed in the workplace.
  • We will provide an integrated and professional learning system, including orientation for our new recruits, professional knowledge training common knowledge training managerial skills and etc. We emphasize the direction of our corporate learning on the ideas of a "workforce with international culture" and a "globally-nurtured team of staff" as part of our efforts to provide the best and most complete learning & development for both our entry-level employees and our veteran staff rising in each phase of management development.
  • We not only offer our employees competitive salary amounts that are usually very enviable in the local labor market, but also bonuses to reward our staff for their prudent diligence.


"Implementation of occupational safety, and Promotion of our employees' health"
Yang Ming operates international marine transportation, container terminals and wharf services. As a result of thorough risk assessments, we at Yang Ming emphasize the safety of our personnel, our vessels as well as shipments. Basing on our humanitarian beliefs and the understanding that employees are Yang Ming’s most valuable resources, we provide the working environment and working procedures to ensure our essential responsibilitiy for the safety and health of all employees.

To achieve the aim of zero-disaster, zero-accident and zero-injury, we comply with the following policies:
  • To comply with all applicable legal requirements of relevant governments and the Occupational Health and Safety requirements which the company subscribes.
  • To prevent injury & ill health and continually improve Occupational Health and Safety management and performance.
  • To devote and supervise the management of safety and health as well as regularly review, audit, and evaluate such performance.
  • To promote safety and health training and activities so as to ensure employees’ full awareness of safety and health responsibilities.
  • To encourage employees to actively participate and to provide sufficient time and resources for employees to consult on safety and health issues.
  • To implement health examinations and health management so as to maintain the physical and mental health of our valued employees. Health indicators have the same level of importance as our safety goals.

We sincerely hope that the safety and health of employees will be greatly assured through the cooperation of all of our staff alike.